In making Spilled Milk Jaqai put himself at the front lines of a disease that doesn’t typically find itself in the spotlight. And going in, he assumed that was simply due to Sickle Cell being such an uncommon affliction.

But throughout the filmmaking process, Jaqai came face to face with many undeniable truths that he had been oblivious to. This despite being best friends with Omar, who has sickle cell, for more than 20 years. Prejudice and inequality plagues sickle cell care, and while it being a rare disease is a factor, there’s another issue at play here. Most affected by Sickle Cell are African American.

This quickly becomes a larger conversation. Not just about health care, but about equality.

Armed with a mighty new found perspective, Jaqai is ready to talk about it. So, get inspired and learn how we can all play a part in working together to affect real change both inside and outside of a hospital.


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